A Human Resources expert, and former HR Director, she brings more than 20 years’ experience of formulating and delivering HR development strategy and training for organisations such as ASDA, the Probation Service, Psion Computers and LexisNexis. Paula works with us to ensure our programmes create an effective change in your organisation long after we deliver them. Paula has 3 key areas of focus.
Working in tandem with a team of associates delivering training workshops for Management teams, throughout the UK and Europe, such as Leadership, Performance Management, Coaching Skills, Conflict Resolution, Team Development (Including Outdoor Team Events) using SOCIAL STYLE.
Paula works throughout Europe delivering training courses for a wide range of Social Style Products including Social Style, Adaptive Mindset and BehaviouralEQ. This involves training Individual team members in Large to Medium organisations who wish to develop their Leadership, Sales and Communication skills through Tracom Products including Social Style.
“As a consultant who specialises in using a number of tools including Social Style and Versatility, I find it extremely useful in helping to change behaviour and improve productivity and effectiveness, whether this be in training sessions or for feedback on a one to one basis. By raising peoples self awareness of their own Behavioural Style and by working with them to realise the impact they can have on others, with different Social Styles, the results can be dramatic and immediate” –