The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used and heavily researched personality profiling tool in the world. Based on the pioneering work of Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung, MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) training helps people develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the differences between themselves and others. This understanding is then used to develop more effective and collaborative staff in your organisation, who recognise the strengths and unique differences of the individuals that they work with.
One of the main benefits of MBTI training – especially in the workplace – is that it helps to reduce the risk of conflict by promoting a positive and constructive view of the differences bet ween individuals. Along with our conflict management training courses, our MBTI training workshops offer a highly effective method of promoting and nurturing a tolerant and more effective working environment.
The Myers Briggs personality indicator tool can also help people to improve their communication skills and build cohesive relationships with those around them. Harnessing the power of proven self-assessment techniques, our MBTI Step 1 and MBTI Step 2 training instruments help people build on their communication strengths and identify opportunities for personal growth.
Accelerate are qualified Myers Briggs Type Indicator practitioners and have extensive experience of providing one-to-one MBTI training sessions and MBTI group workshops for businesses in the UK, Europe and throughout the US and Asia. Available in multiple languages, it is one of the few business training tools that is truly universal, with subtle but meaningful differences between the region-specific versions that make MBTI training perfect for an international organisation or team.
When choosing an MBTI training company, it is important to ensure they are accredited by OPP. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator tool is only one aspect of the overall personality assessment process and, as such, should not be relied on in isolation. Only through a considered exploration of the results with a qualified and experienced MBTI practitioner will you achieve an accurate interpretation of the results. And with over 20 years’ experience of delivery MBTI training courses, Accelerate are perfectly placed to help your business reap the rewards of this powerful and flexible psychometric tool.
We aim to provide the delegates with an in-depth understanding of their individual Myers Briggs preferences and how these affect their personal communication preferences and decision-making processes. This insight can be used to increase personal effectiveness and performance when working with other people, and as a tool to recognise what individuals can contribute to a high-performance team. Our MBTI training courses engage and challenge attendees throughout with a range of discussion and practical exercises, and even the most experienced attendees will leave with an increased self-awareness of their own type, and how they can adapt their style in various interactions.
By the end of our MBTI training session, the participants will be able to:
Our MBTI training workshops are designed to ensure that the participants gain an awareness of Myers Briggs Type Preferences in an enjoyable, lively and engaging workshop, which will be a mix of theory and practical exercises that cover:
There is time to complete an additional, tailored, exercise on effective teamworking or communication, and through discussion with yourselves we can decide on what that could be. Typically, this can be focussed on collectively understanding what everyone brings to the team, or what the team should be doing differently to develop further as a high performing team.
At the end of the MBTI training session, the attendees will receive a short report based upon their individual responses to the Myers Briggs questionnaire. The report will help the delegates identify which of the Myers Briggs personality type most accurately describes themselves, and will provide them with in-depth information on their communication strengths and preferences.
We can work with a maximum of 16-20 attendees per Facilitator/Trainer on an MBTI Training Workshop. Although this is slightly more than other workshops, the variety of different People in the workshop adds to the learning experience.
Our courses are designed to be enjoyable, interactive, experiential and stimulating to maximize on the learning opportunity. This means that everyone has a chance to contribute and get involved throughout.
Most of our workshops such as this one are one day or half day courses, although they each vary depending on the degree of customisation. One day workshops typically run from 09:15 to 16:45 which will include lunch and breaks.
Our prices are based on a day rate per facilitator plus expenses, which ordinarily works out more cost effective than sending your team externally on courses which will also incur individual expenses.
We deliver our Workshops at your premises in the UK, throughout Europe and around the World in a number of languages as well as English. We just need access to a venue, which includes a projector and flip charts.
This workshop is designed to cater for anyone who works in a team or needs to work more effectively with other staff members as a peer or manager. We are also able to tailor the content if we are working with a group of people managers, customer facing staff or even a virtual team.