Myers Briggs Type Indicator Step I will, through a combination of the tool itself and feedback from one of our expert MBTI trainers, provide you with one of 16 different personality profiles: ESTJ, ESTP, ENTJ, ENTP, ESFJ, ESFP, ENFJ, ENFP, ISTJ, ISTP, INTJ, INTP, ISFJ, ISFP, INFJ, and INFP. These results will determine your preference for each of the four fundamental dimensions of individual difference.
Where you prefer to get and focus your “energy” or attention. Are you battery-powered or solar-powered?
The kind of information you prefer to gather and trust, and how you prefer to process information.
The process you prefer to use in coming to decisions. Is the first instinct your head or your heart?
How you prefer to deal with the world around you, which looks at your ‘lifestyle’ and how you like to live your life.
People with an ISTJ personality type are quiet and serious in nature, and earn success in life through thoroughness and reliability. They are also practical, realistic and responsible, with a matter-of-fact approach to work and life. ISTJ personality types tend to decide logically what should be done and work toward it in a steady fashion, ignoring distractions and focusing on the task at hand. They take pleasure in organisation, and everything in their life is clearly structured and organised. They also hold traditions and loyalty in high regard.
ISFJ personality types are quiet, friendly, responsible, conscientious and considerate. They are committed to meeting their obligations and are meticulous in thorough in their approach. Loyal and considerate, ISFJ types are good listeners and are able to empathise with those around them. They always endeavour to create an orderly and harmonious environment at home and in the workplace, and they value their relationships with others highly.
Individuals with an INFJ personality type look for meaning and connection in ideas, relationships and material possessions. They are keen to understand what motivates and drives people, and are committed the values that hold dear. Always conscientious, INFJ types have a clear vision about how best to serve the common good, and are both organised and decisive in implementing their vision.
Analytical and independent, people with an INTJ Myers Briggs personality type are able to quickly identify patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. They are original thinkers and are highly driven to implement their ideas and achieve their goals. When an INTJ personality commits to a task, they tend to see it through. Their driven nature means that they demand extremely high standards of competence and performance in themselves and those around them.
ISTP personalities are both tolerant and flexible. They are also quiet observers until a problem materialises, and then act quickly and decisively to find workable solutions. Logical and analytical, ISTP types strive to understand how and why things work. Rather than take things on face value, they would rather analyse large amounts of data to understand the problem and formulate a solution. Interested in cause and effect, ISTP personality types like to organise facts using logical principles and thought processes.
Quiet, friendly, sensitive and kind, ISFP types enjoy their own space and work at their own pace. Loyal and committed to their principles and the people who are closest to them, people with an ISFP personality type form strong bonds with friends and family. They go out of their way to avoid conflicts disagreements, and do not force their opinions or values on others.
INFP personality types stick to their principles and are adaptable, flexible and accepting – unless a value that they hold dear is threatened. They are loyal to the people who are closest to them and have an idealistic approach to life and work. They strive to live a life that is congruent with their values. Curious and quick to identify possibilities and opportunities, INFP types are often the catalysts for the formulation and implementation of new ideas. They also seek to understand what motivates people and strive to help them fulfill their potential.
Quiet, flexible and adaptable, INTP personality types possess the ability to focus in-depth on the task at hand, which can help them rapidly solve problems in their area of interest. Skeptical by nature, they seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests them. Sometimes critical but always analytical, individuals with this particular MBTI personality type are interested more in ideas than in social interaction.
Flexible and tolerant, ESTP types have a pragmatic approach to problem solving and are focused on achieving immediate results. Theories and conceptual explanations bore them – they want to act energetically to solve the problem – and they want to act now. They learn best through doing, focus on the present, are spontaneous and live life to the full. They enjoy material comforts and style.
Outgoing and friendly, ESFP are exuberant lovers of life and people. They enjoy the benefits of material comforts and enjoy collaborating with other to achieve their goals. They bring common sense and a realistic approach to their work, and have a rare gift for making work fun. Flexible and spontaneous, ESFP types adapt quickly to new environments, and they tend to make new friends very easily. Their preferred method of learning is by working with other people.
Individuals who have an ENFP personality type are confident, positive, enthusiastic and imaginative. They are able to make connections between events and information very quickly, and have the ability to make informed decisions based on the patterns of information they see. They desire considerable affirmation from others, but they also readily provide appreciation and support in return. Spontaneous and flexible, ENFP types often rely on their communicational skills and ability to improvise.
Creative, ingenious and outspoken, ENTP types are resourceful and are able to provide creative solutions to problems. They are typically adept at formulating conceptual possibilities and analysing them from a strategic perspective. They are at reading other people and are generally a very good judge of character. Bored by routine, ENTP people will often deviate from the standard approach to solving a problem, instead preferring to come up with their own methods.
Practical, realistic, forceful and matter-of-fact, ESTJ personality types move quickly and decisively to implement solutions. They believe that organisation is the key to getting things done, and they focus on achieving results in the most efficient way possible. They like to have a clear and logical set of processes to work to, and they expect others to follow them systematically, too.
MBTI ESFJ types are generous, conscientious, and cooperative. They seek harmony at home and in the workplace, and they are willing to work hard to achieve it. They work well as part of a team, and are happy to take on extra responsibilities in order to help the team achieve their goals. They are able to empathise with others and, if they notice somebody in need they will do their best to help. They also seek appreciation for who they are and what they contribute.
ENFJ personality types are warm, empathetic, responsive, and responsible. They are acutely aware of the thoughts, feelings, drivers and needs of others. They see the potential in everyone, and always strive to help others fulfill their potential and achieve their goals. ENFJ types often act as catalysts for individual and team growth. They are responsive to both praise and criticism, and are happy to address areas of concern. They are sociable, fantastic team players and provide inspiring leadership – making them an excellent choice for management positions.
ENTJ personality types are frank, decisive and are able to assume leadership roles readily. They are able to quickly spot illogical and inefficient procedures and policies, making them excellent observers. They are able to develop and implement comprehensive and sophisticated systems to solve organisational problems and improve business workflows. They enjoy planning long-term goals and objectives, and they have the commitment and resolve to see them through to completion. They are usually well-informed, well-read and enjoy expanding their knowledge and passing it on to others.
Accelerate are qualified Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) practitioners and have extensive experience of delivering MBTI training courses and workshops in the UK, Europe and throughout the US and Asia for groups and on a one-to-one basis. Available in multiple languages, MBTI is one of the few tools that is truly universal; the subtle differences in the region-specific versions that make it great for an international organisation or team. We are able to administer MBTI Step I and the less commonly used, but more in-depth, Myers Briggs Type Indicator Step II instrument.
Poor communication is often cited as one of the biggest issues on most company satisfaction surveys, yet few people will admit they could improve their communication skills. We find that working with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator preference tool, people start to realise their communication skills can be quickly and dramatically improved.
We would be happy to discuss how to use the MBTI in your organisation to improve communication and personal effectiveness. Although we are based near London our team work across the UK and further afield as required.
We can work with a maximum of 16-20 attendees per Facilitator/Trainer on an MBTI Training Workshop. Although this is slightly more than other workshops, the variety of different People in the workshop adds to the learning experience.
Our courses are designed to be enjoyable, interactive, experiential and stimulating to maximize on the learning opportunity. This means that everyone has a chance to contribute and get involved throughout.
Most of our workshops such as this one are one day or half day courses, although they each vary depending on the degree of customisation. One day workshops typically run from 09:15 to 16:45 which will include lunch and breaks.
Our prices are based on a day rate per facilitator plus expenses, which ordinarily works out more cost effective than sending your team externally on courses which will also incur individual expenses.
We deliver our Workshops at your premises in the UK, throughout Europe and around the World in a number of languages as well as English. We just need access to a venue, which includes a projector and flip charts.
This workshop is designed to cater for anyone who works in a team or needs to work more effectively with other staff members as a peer or manager. We are also able to tailor the content if we are working with a group of people managers, customer facing staff or even a virtual team.