Sales Profiling and Sales Psychometrics
We use our sales profiling tools in several ways, for
profiling potential candidates, profiling current sales teams and to gain a greater insight into preferred buying and selling
styles. We are licensed to carry out all of the following profiles and observe all licensing and confidentiality requirements
associated with them. They should never be used as the only way to recruit or retain staff but can provide valuable insights
to help with the process of selection and retention.
Strength Deployment Inventory
The SDIŪ - Strength Deployment Inventory ToolŪ was developed
in the USA by Dr. Elias H. Porter. The SDIŪ is completed by answering specific questions from 2 situations:When things
are going well and when things are going not so well. We have used it successfully in sales development, profiling
customers and recognising buying styles and to recognise potential difference. It is both accurate and easy
to work with.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator
The most widely used profiling tool and commonly referred
to as the MBTI. It is never used for sales recruitment but the Myers Briggs Type Indicator is good for recognising and profiling
buyer types. The questionnaire is available in multiple languages and is the most researched and validated profiling tool
in the world. It is also used in Sales management Development and various team based activities
Developed by Meredith Belbin we use this most commonly
in profiling and developing sales management teams although it is sometimes used in team building activities with more senior
sales people.